Any previous policy claims that you've made may not make you eligible for a claims-free discount on your home insurance. If that's the case, you should pay a considerable amount for your home insurance premiums. If this is unavoidable, talk to your insurer for some adjustments. Also, take note of which types of insurance would disqualify you from the claims free discount.
If You Didn’t Take Advantage of Bundling
If you didn't opt for a home insurance bundled with your car insurance, you might end up paying huge home insurance premiums. You should evaluate the total cost of both policies and compare them with a bundle option. If you're getting as much 20% savings on a bundle, then go for it. However, that should also depend on your priorities and other insurance perks that you might lose with a bundle.
If You Have Had No Previous Insurance on Your Home
If you haven't had any previous insurance on your house, condo, or mobile home, then you might end up paying more home insurance. Also, if you've had a gap or some missed payments in your insurance history, you should beware. Any problems with your previous home insurance policy will undoubtedly be an issue now.
If You Have Experienced Insurance Cancellation for Non-Payment
If your previous insurer has decided to cancel your policy due to non-payment, then you might have problems with your home insurance now. Just be careful because your car insurance policy might count as a factor, if not your life insurance policy. Whatever happens, your responsibility or lack of it in the past will reward or punish you now.
If Your Home Has Special Features
Any home with unique features and requirements will have more expensive premiums, mainly if it used unique construction materials. In the same way, if you build a house in an area with higher risks for flood and wind damage, expect higher premiums too. Thus, always consult with an expert on the place before you choose a house there.
Some Final Words
The credit score that you've built since you were young will always be able to land you lower home insurance premiums now. However, if you haven't built a satisfactory credit score, then you can always talk to your insurer for advice. Get home insurance now if you want peace of mind in the future.
At Brad Spurgeon Insurance Agency Inc., we aim to provide comprehensive insurance policies that make your life easier. We want to help you get the insurance that fits your needs. You can get more information about our products and services by calling our agency at (409) 945-4746. Get your free quote today by CLICKING HERE.