Before anything should happen to you, make sure that you already know the entire process of insurance claims. Read your policy in detail to understand it. Get familiar with the estimated costs of damages. Moreover, ask your insurer any other questions you may have.
Never Assume Benefits
Don't assume that your insurance policy has coverage for any specific thing or incident. One common trap is that you think that your policy covers something, although it doesn't. In any case, make sure you have a comprehensive car insurance policy in case you need coverage for many specific things. What you need to do here is to ask in advance your insurer what your policy covers and what it doesn't.
Avoid the Exclusions
Exclusions are specified conditions where your insurer won't pay out your insurance claims. The most common forms of exclusions for car insurance are driving under the influence or reckless driving. However, other exclusions involve distance from your home or types of accidents. Make sure that you know these beforehand, and avoid these things. Also, an overloaded or damaged vehicle may lead to denial of claims.
Know Your Obligations
Two of the most common obligations that you’ll need are to get approved repairs and to wait to settle the damage with the other party. If you don’t follow this or you complicate the entire process, then that can be grounds for denial of your insurance claims. Read your contract beforehand or ask about your obligations.
Some Final Words
It’s not easy getting your car insurance claims approved. However, the rule of thumb is to read your insurance beforehand and understand everything. It is also best to ask your insurer about any questions you may have about the coverage. That’s better than making guesses.
At Brad Spurgeon Insurance Agency Inc., we do our best in making sure that our clients are well-protected with affordable and comprehensive policies. We make sure to go the extra mile to help you with your needs. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact our agency at (409) 945-4746 or Click Here to request a free quote.