More often than not, the insurance company will choose the one that costs less. But, it comes with some disadvantages. The majority of insurers will offer you a deal if repair or cosmetic value is the best option. On the other hand, a lot of homeowners prefer to choose the replacement option, especially if their roofs are already discolored and old.
2. Insurance Plans Generally Cover Wind Damage
In case of a storm and anything related to wind, the basic homeowner’s insurance will cover the damages brought on by the wind. When it comes to earthquakes and floods, the insurance company generally does not cover these catastrophic events. But, a public adjuster can provide assistance if you are unable to determine if the damages are caused by a flood or a windy weather.
3. Know the Risks Involved in the Anti-concurrent Causation Clause
Find out it your homeowner insurance policy has integrated an anti-concurrent causation clause. This particular clause indicates that your insurer may deny giving you coverage if two disasters happen and you are covered to only one. For example, there is flood in your house and a strong wind also blows your roof away, your insurance carrier may refuse to pay for the damages because flooding is not in your policy.
4. Choose Local Contractors to Do Repairs over Outside Contractors
Oftentimes, contractors across the country travel to regions where a windstorm recently strikes. Their purpose; to try to make money on the insurance claims. In addition, these contractors do not provide the best services. This means that it is better to work with a reputable service provider within your locality.
5. Texas Home Insurance Companies Do Not Usually Cover Wind Damage
While wind coverage is standard in all insurance policies in the majority of states, it is not the case in Texas. You may ask the insurer to include wind damage in your policy, you will likely be charged for an additional pay. In some cases, the insurance company will not allow their policyholders any type of wind damage. If you live in Texas, make sure you understand the coverage of your homeowners’ insurance policy.
In case of wind damage, make sure to talk to an insurance agent to take advantage of this policy. At the Brad Spurgeon Insurance Agency, our mission is to ensure that we protect are clients and offer them policies that they can afford. Learn more about our products and services by calling our agency at (409) 945-4746. You can also request for a free quote by CLICKING HERE.